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Southwest Clubs

We seek to provide you with the latest club content, information, and updates. Check out our club news section for the latest in Southwest extracurricular activities. If you are looking for your club to be added to our official list, please fill out the form below!

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Model U.N.

Advised by Robert Kohnert

Foreign policy, international affairs, and diplomacy and relations are the focus of this year's Model U.N. season! Join us for bi-monthly meetings on Mondays from 4:00-5:00 pm where we go in-depth on issues that matter. Be prepared to use your delegate skills as we explore different worldwide conflicts, regions, and news stories, and learn more about the inner workings of the United Nations.


Join their Remind @62f3fkh and follow their Instagram @swmodelun for updates!

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Green Team

Advised by Andrew Gramm

Green Team is an environmental club that addresses issues such as climate change, environmental racism, recycling, and more. We work towards a more sustainable community, country, and planet. Meetings are held once a month from 6:00-7:30 on Wednesdays.

Follow their Instagram @swhsgreenteam, join their Remind and fill out their sign up form to join!

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Songwriting Club

Advised by Mitch Johnson

Songwriting club will be continuing for the 2021 school year, and we’d love for new songwriters/music lovers to join!

No experience is necessary! Come to share a song, listen to good music, and have fun!!

We will meet every Wednesday at 3:30 on Zoom, join whenever you can! To join, DM your email and name to @evebroeker and we’ll send you the link to the Zoom call.

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Civil Discussion

Advised by Teresa Rumppe

Civil Discussion holds weekly meetings to discuss important current events and to give a space for everyone to share their opinions. Our discussions have only one requirement, respect. We want to provide a space where everyone feels safe and comfortable when talking about hard topics. We also like to have fun! We’re all friends here, we want to hear your voice!

Meetings are Wednesday’s at 4:00! Join through filling out the form or contact Qais Stovall at for the Discord invite.

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Asian American Club

Advised by Ms. Kouneski

Asian American Club meets to get to know and understand the Asian community at Southwest better. We also reach out to Asian communities in the Twin Cities and do a lot of really fun activities! Normally there's food for everyone, unfortunately we can't do that right now :( but we are organizing Netflix parties and ways for us to connect virtually.

We meet Tuesday’s from 3:10-4:00. Join our Remind by texting @swasia to 81010 or by filling out their form

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Spikeball Club

Advised by Mr. Gross

This is a club where kids can come together and have fun and enjoy the game of spikeball. No skill or commitment requirement to join.

Club meets Friday’s at 3:30 on Zoom. Head to their website
for sign-up info.

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Film Club

Advised by Joyce Strand

Join Film Club if you enjoy watching and analyzing movies. In this club we will watch and talk about film and fundraise for the media arts program! This club is welcoming to all, and I look forward to creating this supportive community. Go to our Instagram and join our google classroom for updates, meeting times, and general information.

Club meeting times are Wednesday’s starting at 3:30. Our Google Meet Code is tpw2pkw and the Google Form to sign up is Follow us on Instagram at @sw_film_club!

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Sailboat Racing

Advised by Sean Keir

The Southwest sailboat-racing team has both a fall and spring season. The sailing team accepts everyone from expert sailors to those who have never been on a boat. The goal of the team is to develop an understanding of sailing fundamentals, racing strategies, and a general enjoyment of sailing. Sailors who have progressed to racing level can compete weekly in local and/or regional regattas. The sailing team uses 420s, which are a 2-person boat. Come with a partner or get paired up with a similarly skilled sailor at the club.

Sailboat racing meets in person at the Minneapolis Sailing Center, 3010 E. Calhoun Pkwy. Located at the Northeast corner of Bde Maka Ska. They meet on Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and Thursday’s from 4:00-6:00pm. To join, fill out their form

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Student Ambassadors

Advised by Clinton Ferguson

​Open to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. The Southwest Student Ambassadors volunteer at a variety of events for prospective students including the 8th grade open house, 9th grade registration, and building tours throughout the year. During distance learning, we plan to participate in virtual tours and student Q&As. There is no application necessary. Being a Student Ambassador is a great way to develop your communication skills, build relationships with staff and incoming students, and show off your Laker pride!

We are currently in the process of developing virtual programming for the club. No events have been officially set yet, as we must continue to adapt to the changing circumstances of distance learning. Sign up through our Google Form

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Spanish Debate Team

Advised by Caitlin Dowden

​The Spanish debate team is a Southwest High School team that participates in the Urban Debate League, a program offered by Augsburg University.  Each year, we debate (in Spanish) against teams from other Minneapolis and St. Paul high schools in three tournaments.  The topic of the debates varies every year, and this year's topic will be: ¿Las redes sociales son seguras y útiles para la sociedad?  In preparation for the tournaments, we study the topic and prepare arguments both for and against the topic in order to be able to effectively debate both sides of the issue.

This isn't a club so much as it is a competitive team.  We are planning to have  three tournaments this year.  Our competition season starts in March, so we will begin practicing in December or January, on Thursdays starting at 3:15. This team is largely intended for native speakers of Spanish, though non-native speakers taking IB DP Spanish classes looking for a real Spanish challenge are welcome to join. Use the form link to sign up!

¡Únete al debate!  Students who participate in Spanish debate for two or more years may be eligible for full-ride scholarships from Augsburg University.  More details about scholarship eligibility are available on the Spanish debate team website:

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Southwest Men's Volleyball

Advised by Robbie Brink

Southwest Men’s Volleyball competes in the Minnesota Boys Volleyball league and practices throughout the week.

To join, fill our their form: or contact Andrew Wilson at

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All Sports Club

Advised by Mr. Gross

We play sports twice a week! A fun way to hang out with friends, meet new people and try new sports.

They meet on Tuesdays from 5:30pm-7:30pm and Sundays from 10:00am-12:00pm. To join, fill out their form:

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Japanese Culture Club

Advised by Kyoko French

Japanese Culture Club is an organization whose mission is to promote goodwill through an active cultural interchange between Japan and Minnesota for mutual understanding, benefit and enjoyment. We organize events and social gatherings that incorporate Japanese film and amine, ceremonies, calligraphy, Ikebana flower arrangement, traditional toys, Japanese music and much more.  We also organize the study session of J-Quiz which is the Japanese Language and Culture Competition for high school students who study Japanese language.

They meet on Wednesday’s from 3:15-4:15, on Zoom. Head to their website for sign-up info

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Mock Trial

Advised by TBD

Mock Trial is a fake trial. Teams are given fake cases and carry out a trial in a competitive format against another team or school. This is a great opportunity to improve public speaking, teamwork, and gain experience into what a career in law looks like. Meetings and sign-up are TBD. Fill out their form
for more information.

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SW Ultraviolet Robotics

Advised by Mr. Pearson

The Robotics Team designs and builds robots that compete competitively in the FIRST Robotics Competition. Each year we compete both locally, and travel to competitions against teams from over 3500 schools nationally. In addition to Robotics, we also have active sub teams that do team Branding, Fundraising, and Outreach to the community. we are interested in students who have interests in both engineering, and Business. no skills are necessary to join the team. Additionally, you can earn a letter in robotics, and you will gain access to a plethora of scholarship opportunities.

They meet Mondays and Thursdays from 5:00-6:00pm. To join, fill out their form:

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Advised by Lorelei Soli

It is SO important for SO many reasons for students to feel heard, valued, and supported. Minneapolis Public Schools has a district wide group called YPE (Youth Participatory Evaluation) that promotes student voice in its schools.

YPE is a district led program works with this group of students to

Find problematic practices within their specific school building

Coaches the group through data collection about their chosen issue

Gives the students an opportunity to present their findings to the SW administration and the district

Allows the group to then suggest a path to better the school community for all students

YPE meets on Wednesday’s from 3:15 to 4:00. To join, become a part of their Google Classroom: code ta35niw.

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Spanish Club

Advised by Caitlin Dowden/Senor Esteban

We are a club that celebrates and honors the Spanish culture through bi-monthly, activity based meetings. Join us on Zoom every other Friday for an hour of fun, celebration, and learning!

¡El club más encendido en el Suroeste!

To become a part of our club, join our Remind! Code is 2hkac9.

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ASL Club

Advised by Jodi Marker Perelman

ASL Club (American Sign Language) club will meet twice a month. Meeting will be on Zoom until we can meet in person. Wednesday after school 3:15-4:30pm. All are welcome to join! Even if you don’t know ASL. We play ASL games, watch ASL movies, ASL art projects and much more!

They meet Wednesdays from 3:15-4:15pm. To become a part of ASL Club, join their Remind:

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The Southwest Navigator

Advised by TBD

The Southwest Navigator is the official student run newspaper of SW.

We cover school and sports news, features with teachers and students, as well as editorials and opinion pieces.

If you do graphic design, love to write, or just want experience working on a newspaper, the Navigator is for you!

Join our google classroom: code is fjcjved

We will have our first meeting in the next few weeks so be sure to join so you miss the announcement!

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Yearbook Club

Advised by Brittany Spears

Southwest Yearbook designs, creates and distributed the yearbook at Southwest High School. We are looking for photographers, designers and editors that are flexible and interested in documenting this school year!

The structure of the club isn’t determined yet, but fill out their form if you want to be involved with recording this school year through photos and other media!

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The Siren

Advised by TBD

The Siren’s first meeting is Thursday, October 8th from 3:15-

Must fill out the form to join! If you want to submit your visual or literary art to the Siren you can email them or find the form in their bio @southwest.siren

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Muslim Student Alliance

Advised by Mr. Meyer

MSA(Muslim student alliance) is a club that has been at southwest for a couple of years it’s a club for Muslims to have a safe space  at southwest high school, to educate on what’s going on In the world, play games, interact with each other and have fun.

Meetings are Wednesday’s from 3:15-4:15 on Zoom. Contact to sign up.

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Latinix Unidos

Advised by Cecilia Caro

What is this club? Latinx Unidos Club is a space for Latinx students to build relationships, explore identities, share good food and music, and increase awareness and action on issues impacting the Latinx culture and community. 
Why should I join? Meet new people! Listen to Bad Bunny! Share all the different ways we use corn, beans, and rice in our dishes! Discuss anti-blackness, indigenous erasure, machismo, immigration etc and how they intersect with our Latinx identity! Be a leader for and within the Latinx community! 
How to sign up or get involved? Email Cecilia Caro at

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French Club

Advised by Elizabeth Miller

We are starting up French Club again this year. Here is a link to the website:
It is open to all students regardless of whether or not they take French. Our first meeting is Monday Oct. 5 - via Google Meet.

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Advised by Robert Kohnert

March For Our Lives

Join March for our Lives! The brand new Southwest Chapter of March for Our Lives is excited to announce that we will be hosting monthly meetings (with time and dates to be decided!). Join us for the latest in activism, gun control, voter assistance, and in the fight against gun violence!

This year, our discussion-based, online meetings will focus on the intersections between gun violence and other pressing issues facing our country. Once the legislative season begins, we will have opportunities for lobbying, community involvement, and direct action.

Join our Remind @6h39ae to learn more!

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Advised by the School Based Clinics

Teen Health Empowerment Council

Join the Teen Health Empowerment Council - meetings are bimonthly on Tuesdays from 4-6!

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Advised by Mr. Edmonds


GSA is getting a late start this year but we are back and under a new president. We are currently looking for members to join and learn with us about lgbtq+ lives, rights and everything in between. Meetings will be after school from 3:10-4:00 pm on Mondays. Stay tuned for more information!

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Pac-Man Club

Advised by Katie Lipe

In Pac-Man Club, we play many games of Pac-man but that's doesn't mean its just Pac-man. It also means that we will play any old games or current games like Mario games, or other games that you like.

Pac-Man Club meets Tuesdays from 3:15-4:00pm. To join, fill our their form:

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SW Unified Club

Advised by Heidi Carsello

Join the INCLUSION REVOLUTION!!! The Unified Laker Club connects students with and without intellectual disabilities in individual and small group activities as well as whole school education and engagement. We will be meeting virtually after school once a week to play bingo, have a dance party, participate in a scavenger hunt, or just hang out. Be a part of the movement towards inclusion for all.  #LiveUnified

Unified Club meets once a week after school (time and day TBD) To join, fill our their form:

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Theatre Club

Advised by Margaret Berg and Amanda Himebaugh

Theatre Club is a place for students to connect with each other and the Theatre program at Southwest. We play games, plan events and work on the 2020-2021 Theatre season. Meet at 3:10 on Wednesday. Join through this form.

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